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会場:Japan House London
   101-111 Kensington High St, London W8 5SA 
 開催日 2023年 10月13日 (金) 18:00会場 18:30開演
   会場: Japan House London

当日は、林 肇大使からのメッセージを映画上映前に代読させていただきました。食品関係の企業様より、お菓子やお茶をご協賛いただき開演前のひと時にご賞味いただきました。
林 肇 駐英国日本国大使メッセージ(邦文)


Message from Hajime HAYASHI,
Ambassador of Japan to the United Kingdom
   I would like to pay tribute to M Project Japan for their efforts to realise the screening of the film 'The Pledge to Megumi' in London. It is heartening that a private organisation is taking the initiative to contribute to raising awareness of the abductions issue, and the Embassy of Japan lent its support to this screening.
The Government of Japan has recognised 17 people, including five who returned to Japan in 2002, as victims of abductions by North Korea.
Furthermore, based on the recognition that there are missing persons for whom the possibility of having been abducted by North Korea cannot be ruled out, the Government of Japan is doing its utmost to ensure the safety and immediate return of all abductees, regardless of whether or not they have been officially recognised as abductees.
The issue of abductions by North Korea is a humanitarian matter with time constraints. Because the families of the abductees are now elderly, not a moment's respite can be allowed for the resolution of this issue. It is also a serious problem that concerns the sovereignty of Japan and the lives and safety of its citizens.
Moreover, this is an issue not confined to Japan alone. Some of the victims were abducted while they were in Europe.
Furthermore, it is known that the Republic of Korea also has many victims of abductions, and it has become clear that there have been cases where people may have been abducted by North Korea in Thailand, Romania, Lebanon, etc. It is thus a universal problem for the international community as a violation of fundamental human rights. In the United Nations, the Human Rights Council and the General
Assembly have repeatedly adopted resolutions on the human rights situation in North Korea, including the issue of abductions, and the Security Council has also issued statements that strongly call upon North Korea to urgently resolve this issue and the immediate return of all abductees.
This is a universal matter to be addressed by all of us who are trying to build an international community ensuring fundamental human rights.
I would like to offer my thanks to all those who attended this film screening and would be grateful for your continued understanding and support for the resolution of the abductions issue.
▪少し怖い描写が多かったが、おそらく現実 はもっと厳しいものだったと思 う。 拉致された人のご家族のことを 思 うといたたまれない。 私たちがこの 問題を風化させる事なく考えていかなければならないと 痛感 。
▪どこまでが ドキュメンタリー かドラマ化 したものか 分かりにくく混乱。
▪北朝鮮の行為は許し難い事を再認識しました。映画の中ではめぐみさんがお 母さんの声を聞く事 ができましたが、現実でも声が届いている事を心から望 みます。
▪北朝鮮での暮らしが印象的 でした。
▪俳優の方々も素晴らしかったです 。
▪残酷な場面を観て、これが 真実に基づいているのかと思うと恐ろしくなりました。 特に火事のシーンは今現在イスラエルで起こっている事と同じで、 人間 はいつになっても同じあやまちを繰り返しているとあらためて気づきました。
▪拉致問題 について知ってはいましたが 今日 の 映画を見て関心が深まり、 当事者や家族の方々の苦しみに心が痛みました。
▪背景情報などにより、少し理解が深まりました。ただし、映画 としての効果をあげるための表現があると思 われました。
▪日本の警察や政府の対応がどうであったのか、もう少し詳しく突っ込 んでいただきたかった。 恐 らくもっと早い時点で北朝鮮の疑いを当局は知っていたのに早く行動しなかったがために、誘拐された方も残されたご家族も亡くなってしまっているのが 残念 です 。
▪一日も早く拉致問題が解決して、拉致被害者さん達が無事帰国出来る事祈 っております。
▪上映前の演奏に多くの方が胸を打たれましたが、もう少し照明の配慮が欲 しかった。
▪Excellent film depicting a very intense subject.
▪I knew about this issue ten years ago when I was in university as I attended a course about the current issue of Northeast Asia. In that lecture, we did not have enough time to discuss this topic further. However, it arouses my curiosity. When the promotion of the film screening appeared, I immediately joined this activity.
▪This film can explain how and why the abduction occurred and why the issue cannot be addressed. The story also put me in the victim's shoes. After I watched this movie, I would share it with my family members and friends by the booklet provided. Also, I will keep my eyes on this issue.
▪Interesting, thought provoking and educational.
▪I hope this film is shown as many places as possible.

▪拉致された人は偶然 なのか、それとも 北朝鮮が周到に調査して選ばれたのか 。
▪今後の活動で何を期待 いるのか? 何故帰国者数が少ないのか?
▪2000年当初 からあまり進展 がない 。
▪Astonished to find the numbers of people were abducted.
▪Why did they abduct a school age child to indoctrinate into NKorea? Was this retaliation for Japans actions in Korea prior to and during 2nd world war?
▪Astonished to find the numbers of people were abducted.
▪It’s very good to let more people to learn the truth.
▪What is the Japanese government doing outside of talking? The North Koreans are on their own path and don’t seem to listen to those outside. Are there other means by which the international community can resolve the whole situation with North Korea and end the suffering of Japanese abductees and ordinary citizens of North Korea? It is sad in this day and age that a country like North Korea exists and treats people so inhumanely.​ 
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